What is Cobot Welding?: Exploring the Benefits and Costs of Automating the Welding Process

[123]What is Cobot Welding?: Exploring the Benefits and Costs of Automating the Welding Process

What is Cobot Welding?

Cobot welding is the use of collaborative robots, or cobots, to automate certain welding processes. These robots are typically comprised of a welding table, cart, or magnetic mount, a robotic arm, welding tools, a power source, a cooling system, and a programming system. They are designed to work alongside trained welders and have been used in a variety of industries, including automotive, aerospace, and electronics.

Benefits of Cobot Welding

Cobot welding offers a variety of benefits to businesses, including improved weld quality, increased productivity, greater efficiency, and enhanced safety. The consistency of cobot welds is much better than manual welds, as human welders can tire and lose concentration. Cobots can also reduce the amount of time needed for repetitive tasks, freeing up skilled welders to focus on more specialized welding requirements. In terms of safety, cobots can help protect welders from toxic fumes, eye injuries, and burns.

How Do My Welders Work with a Cobot?

Experienced welders are still necessary to program the cobot and then ensure the quality of the final welds. However, they can spend much less time setting up the cobot and then just need to check in periodically. It typically takes less than a day for qualified welders to learn how to program a cobot. Some cobots, like the SmoothTool Cobot Welding package, also include a programming flange that allows operators to manually move the robotic arm during programming to set points and teach the cobot what to do.

Why Should I Invest in a Welding Cobot?

The welder shortage is a real issue that won’t be resolved anytime soon. Investing in a cobot can help increase productivity and efficiency, resulting in greater earnings. Cobots are also much cheaper than traditional industrial robots and require less space for manufacturing.


Cobot welding has many advantages compared to traditional manual welding, including improved quality, increased productivity, greater efficiency, and enhanced safety. Cobots are able to provide consistent welds regardless of how long they are run and can reduce the amount of time needed for repetitive tasks. They can also help protect welders from toxic fumes, eye injuries, and burns.


In terms of cost compared to traditional industrial robots, cobots are much cheaper, require no enclosures, and have less requirements for manufacturing space. This makes them an ideal investment for businesses looking to improve their welding operations.


Cobot welding can be an invaluable asset for businesses, offering improved weld quality, increased productivity, greater efficiency, and enhanced safety. They are also much cheaper than traditional industrial robots and require less space for manufacturing. Investing in a cobot can help increase productivity and efficiency, as well as protect welders from toxic fumes, eye injuries, and burns.


– https://www.amada-apelio.com/en/blog/cobot-welding
– https://www.fronius.com/en-us/products/robots/collaborative-robot-cobot
– https://www.smoothwelding.com/en/products/cobot-welding/

Additional References: https://www.nexair.com/vectis-cobot/

* This article was originally published here

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